Friday, February 7, 2025

Senior CHAT

Join Senior CHAT (Connections Help Adults Thrive) as we match friendly Volunteer Callers with area seniors who would like a weekly call. Share your day. Share your stories. Let’s make connections that help seniors feel less lonely and isolated!

As we continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation is especially acute for those in our community who are unable or extremely reluctant to leave their homes for social interactions. Our community, like our country, continues to be in uncharted waters. But we know there is something we can do to help seniors feel more connected. We can organize ourselves as effectively and as lovingly as possible to respond to this unprecedented health crisis.

For so many, the pandemic continues to eliminate in-person group interactions. Senior CHAT links older adults with caring volunteers through friendly phone conversations that can help reduce isolation and promote well-being.

We all know the value of human connections. Now, more than ever, we need our community to come together and lift each other up — one phone call at a time.

Senior Corps RSVP of Lehigh, Northampton & Carbon Counties, teamed with ShareCare Faith in Action and supported by Lehigh County Aging and Adult Services, is launching Senior CHAT. We’re matching caring volunteers willing to make a weekly phone call with area seniors who feel ‘disconnected’. We ask volunteers to make a six-month commitment and be at least 18 years old.

For more information and details, download our brochure and flyer.

You can sign up below if you would like to make or receive a 30-minute call, once a week, for the next six months. Agencies can also refer clients that are willing to participate.

Sign-Up for Senior CHAT Download our Senior CHAT Brochure Download our Senior CHAT Flyer Download Senior CHAT Orientation Handbook Senior CHAT Phone Card and Conversation Starters

Senior Chat Recap